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Rob Bush

Commenting on the success of the LIS vs the EMR:

The common objective of the laboratory is to provide accurate results in a timely and cost effective way. Everyone working in the lab can agree upon the goals, and behave as a part of the overall solution.

The EMR’s goal is not that well defined. Although it is often stated to be improving healthcare for the patient, I believe the working goal is to make each healthcare professional using the system more efficient at doing their job. Naturally, if the goal is to make you personally more efficient, there is a different goal for each person using the EMR.

The mentality of the people involved is very different. In the lab the people ask “What can I do to help with the process?” With the EMR, people ask “What can the software do to make me more efficient?”

John Norris

I wonder if this is a good argument for best-of-breed?

Although that approach without interoperability would lead to less collaboration.

I have wondered if simple collaboration software concerning a patient is the way to go. What if each patient had a wiki concerning them? Too simple perhaps.

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