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Steve A McClain

The first argument is NOT very strong at all in practice. Caution is appropriate. Original slide review is still needed is many critical or difficult cases, because slides are far better optically, more data, and with higher resolution. Some objects can only be seen when the microscope is defined- condenser adjusted or polarizer added.
For example, small objects like fungal hyphae and bacteria may be nearly invisible in scanned images. Distinguishing
Merkel cell carcinoma from Basal cell carcinoma may be difficult. For those reasons original slide review workflow is still needed.
Second, for practical purposes most labs will need N+1 scanners (1 extra backup when a scanner is down or being serviced). Third, we have determined results can be comparable, but we have NOT YET determined where the scanning technology fails or interpretations can be prone to error.

"Given that whole slide images are highly portable, large health systems have the opportunity to modify their surgical pathology workflow. Glass slides no longer need to be transported to the relevant in-house speciality pathologist or outside consultant."

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